DESCRIPTIONS ( stuns : stuns no spell or weapon actions next turn; slows : slows movement halved round down; stuck : stuck prevent voluntary movement until end of their next turn; decay : decay X damage/turn until target falls; cantStack : can't stack with itself; hitsSelf : hits self; cantHitSelf : can't hit self; mayHitSelf : may hit self; hitAnyTarget : hit any target; hitAnySpace : hit any space; noAction : no action needed; doubleDamage : deals double damage including indirect; bonusWeaponDamage : +X bonus weapon damage; bonusWeaponDamageTurn : +X bonus weapon damage until end of turn; pushBack : push back up to X spaces; protect : protect from X incoming damage per damage instance but penetrable; penetrates : penetrates protection; bonusRangeOnMountains : +X range from mountains; spellBonus : spell X; extraSpellCards : +X spell cards in hand; regeneration : heals self X at start of turn; isGood : is good; isEvil : is evil; moveAny : move X spaces over any terrain; movementNormal : movement 1 any plus 2 P H F; movementAny : movement X any; movementSwim : movement 1 any plus 6 W; hasSwimming : has swimming; armorHealth : max and current health +X and discard armor when that much damage taken; halfVampiric : heals self for half weapon damage dealt round down; generalSpells : X general spells; deathSpells : X death spells; fireSpells : X fire spells; airSpells : X air spells; waterSpells : X water spells; earthSpells : X earth spells; lifeSpells : X life spells; ) FIRE SPELLS ( Flare ( cat fire; cost 4; range 3; damage 4 ) Fireball ( cat fire; cost 3; range 5; over; damage 2 ) Inferno ( cat fire; cost 4; range 4; radius 3r2d; damage 3 ) Enflame Weapon ( cat fire; cost 4; hitsSelf; bonusWeaponDamageTurn 3; weapon damage also counts as spell damage this turn ) Ignite ( cat fire; cost 3; range 4; over; decay 1 ) Explosive Rush ( cat fire; cost 3; hitsSelf; gainMove : target gains 1 movement action this turn; explodeMove 2 : at end of this movement deal X damage to enemies inside 2 range ) Detonate ( cat fire; cost 4; range 5; over; destroy target pickup to deal 4 damage within radius 4r2d ) Explosive Teleport ( cat fire; cost 4; range 8; explodeTeleport 2 : teleport any friend to target space then deal X damage to enemies inside 2 range ) ) AIR SPELLS ( Lightning Strike ( cat air; cost 4; hitAnyTarget; damage 2 ) Lightning Storm ( cat air; cost 5; hitAnySpace; radius 3r2d; damage 2 ) Shock ( cat air; cost 4; range 3; damage 3; stuns ) Fly ( cat air; cost 2; moveAny 3; noAction ) Tornado ( cat air; cost 4; range 3; over; damage 2; moveInvoluntary 2 : move target up to X spaces involuntarily ) Hurricane ( cat air; cost 4; hitsAllEnemies : hits all enemies; 1 damage; pushBackAll 2 : pick a direction and push each enemy back X spaces in that direction ) Blitz ( cat air; cost 2; range 8; mayHitSelf; gainAction : target gains a weapon action and a spell action this turn ) Guiding Wind ( cat air; cost 2; hitsSelf; your weapons with range 3 or more get +2 range and +2 damage until end of turn ) Fetchful Wind ( cat air; cost 1; gain 3 redistribute points; noAction ) ) WATER SPELLS ( Freeze ( cat water; cost 4; range 5; damage 2; stuns ) Blizzard ( cat water; cost 6; hitAnySpace; radius 4r3d; damage 2; stuck ) Flood ( cat water; cost 5; flooded : all spaces adjacent to seas have rivers until end of turn; floodDamage 2 : deal X damage to non-swimming on water spaces ) Icy Weapon ( cat water; cost 4; hitsSelf; bonusWeaponDamageTurn 2; weapon attacks give impacted enemies stuck until end of turn ) Healing Waters ( cat water; cost 3; range 3; over; heal 3; mayHitSelf ) Dolphin Swim ( cat water; cost 1; range 8; mayHitSelf; swim : movement plus unlimited W this turn; swimmingTurn : has swimming until end of turn; noAction ) Ripple ( cat water; cost X; duplicate : duplicate a spell immediately after you cast it for half spell cost round down; noAction ) Torrent ( cat water; cost 3; range 8; damage 2; pushBack 4 ) ) EARTH SPELLS ( Earthquake ( cat earth; cost 4; onSelf : centered on self; radius 4r3d; damage 3 ) Terraform ( cat earth; cost 1; replaceTerrainCard : draw 3 random terrain cards from the deck and replace any terrain card on the map with one of them; noAction ) Entangle ( cat earth; cost 3; range 5; damage 1; stun; bonusDamageInForest 2 : damage +X if target in forest ) Chuck Rock ( cat earth; cost 3; range 4; damage 3; pushBack 1 ) Earth Gate ( cat earth; cost 1; randomTeleport : teleport to random space and may abort and get mana back once per turn after checking destination; noAction ) Tunnel ( cat earth; cost 1; change any or all movement this turn to be over any non-sea; noAction ) Forge ( cat earth; cost 2; gain an item; noAction ) Forestwalk ( cat earth; cost 2; range 8; mayHitSelf; target friend in forest teleports to any other chosen forest; noAction ) ) WHITE SPELLS ( Heal ( cat white; cost 3; range 8; heal 5; cantHitSelf ) Heal All ( cat white; cost 4; hitsAllFriends : hits all friends but not self; heal 3 ) Heal Area ( cat white; cost 3; range 5; over; radius 3r2d; heal 4; cantHitSelf ) Cure ( cat white; cost 3; range 8; mayHitSelf; heal 2; remove all status ailments from target friend including stun and slow and decay ) Holy Assault ( cat white; cost 3; range 8; cantHitSelf; target friend gains a move action and a weapon action this turn; bonusWeaponDamageTurn 2; costs caster's weapon and spell action ) Godspeed ( cat white; cost 1; range 8; target friend gains a move action right now; noAction; cantHitSelf ) Smite ( cat white; cost 3; range 8; damage 2; slows ) Reinforcing Teleport ( cat white; cost 2; range 8; teleport target friend to any space adjacent to another friend or the caster; noAction; cantHitSelf ) ) BLACK SPELLS ( Drain Health ( cat black; cost 5; range 4; damage 3; vampiric : heal self for damage dealt ) Decay ( cat black; cost 3; range 6; decay 1 ) Pestilence ( cat black; cost 5; range 8; radius 3r2d; decay 1 ) Plague ( cat black; cost 1; hitsAll : hits all characters incl. friends; decay 1 ) Dominate ( cat black; cost 5; range 6; over; immediately take a movement and weapon action using target enemy ) Sacrifice ( cat black; cost 2; sacrificeHealth 3 : sacrifice X health; gainMana 7 : gain X mana ) Shadow Teleport ( cat black; cost 2; choose a space outside of line of sight of enemies and teleport to it ) Lethargy ( cat black; cost 2; hitsAllEnemies : hits all enemies; slows ) ) HEROES ( Mermaid ( health 8; manaGen 2; movementSwim; hasSwimming; spellBonus Water ) Triton ( health 12; manaGen 1; movementSwim; hasSwimming; spellBonus Water ) Surgist ( health 9; manaGen 0; movementSwim; hasSwimming; spellBonus Water; starting mana 10 ) Draconian ( health 9; manaGen 1; movementAny 2; spellBonus Fire; fireBreath 2 : just before or after weapon action may deal X damage within range 2 as fire breath ) Warmage ( health 8; manaGen 2; movementNormal; spellBonus Fire; spell damage +50% round down ) Griffin ( health 10; manaGen 1; movementAny 3; spellBonus Air ) Channeler ( health 9; manaGen 1; movementNormal; spellBonus Air; channels : may choose to channel at start of turn but then may not move voluntarily this turn; channeling : while channeling has manaGen +2 and spell range +2 and may transmit up to 3 mana to friends at start of turn ) Pirate ( health 10; manaGen 1; movementPirate : movement 1 any plus 1 P H F plus 2 W; spellBonus Air; bonusHalfDamage : bonus damage 50% round down including both weapon and spell damage ) Elf ( health 8; manaGen 2; movementNormal; spellBonus Earth; forestRegen 1 : heal self X at start of turn if in forest; shootRangeBonus 1 : weapon range +X if range 3 or greater ) Fairy ( health 7; manaGen 2; movementAny 2; spellBonus Earth; forestManaGen 1: manaGen +X in forest) Priest ( health 8; manaGen 2; movementNormal; spellBonus White; once per turn may heal friend within 8 range 2 health ) Paladin ( health 12; manaGen 1; movementNormal; spellBonus White; weapon damage +50% round down if range 2 or less; once per turn may heal friend within 4 range 1 health ) Quartermaster ( health 11; manaGen 1; movementNormal; spellBonus White; each pickup collected may be treated as a different type of pickup; gain 1 extra mana when collecting any pickup ) Shadow ( health 10; manaGen 1; movementNormal; spellBonus Black; if outside LOS of all enemies may use move action to teleport to any chosen other space outside LOS of all enemies ) Vampire ( health 11; manaGen 1; movementNormal; spellBonus Black; halfVampiric ) Necromancer ( health 8; manaGen 2; movementNormal; spellBonus Black; gainManaOnDeath 3 : gain X mana whenever a hero dies ) Sage ( health 8; manaGen 2; movementNormal; spellBonus Generic; extraSpellCards 2 ) ) STARTING WEAPONS ( Ice Sword ( range 1; damage 3; slows ) Spear ( range 2; damage 3 ) Wind Staff (range 3; damage 1; moveBonus 1 : movement plus X P H F ) Projection Wand ( range 4; damage 1; spellRange 1 : spell range +X ) Javelin ( range 3; over; damage 2 ) Flame Wand ( range 4; damage 3; attackCostsMana 1 : attacking costs X mana ) Short Bow ( range 6; damage 2 ) Long Bow ( range 5; over; damage 1 ) Crossbow ( range 9; damage 1 ) ) ITEM WEAPONS ( Katana ( range 1; damage 5 ) Poison Dagger ( range 1; damage 2; decay 1 ) Demonic Spear ( range 2; damage 6; sacrificeHealth 1: must sacrifice X health to use ) Vampiric Javelin ( range 3; over; damage 3; halfVampiric ) Purge Bow ( range 4; damage 3; reduces target's mana by 1 ) Wand of Decay ( range 5; damage 0; decay 1; attackCostsMana 1 : attacking costs X mana ) Ice Bow ( range 5; over; damage 1; slows ) Sniper Crossbow ( range 12; damage 2 ) Lightning Wand ( hitAnyTarget; damage 1; +1 damage to targets on hill and +2 on mountain ) ) HYPERS ( Mermaid Hyper Rough Waters ( type Hyper; roughWaters : at start of mermaid's turn all non-swimming enemies take 1 damage if on or adjacent to water ) Triton Hyper Friendly Currents ( type Hyper; friendlyCurrents : all friends have swimming and at start of triton's turn all friends may move up to 2 spaces onto water ) Draconian Hyper Drake ( type Hyper; movementAny 3; betterFireBreath 4 : before or after weapon attack may deal X damage within range 4 as fire breath ) Warmage Hyper Destruction ( type Hyper; destruction : spell damage doubled instead and spells impacting enemies don't require spell actions ) Griffin Hyper Mount ( type Hyper; movementAny 4; mount : may pick up and drop adjacent friends any times during griffin's turn but must drop them to adjacent spaces before end of turn ) Elf Hyper Regeneration ( type Hyper; regeneration 1 ) Fairy Hyper Mystical Forests ( type Hyper; at start of fairy's turn all friends in forests gain 2 mana ) Priest Hyper Benevolence ( type Hyper; once per turn heal all friends 2 health instead ) Paladin Hyper Warrior ( type Hyper; health and max health +2; double weapon damage bonus instead for weapons with range 2 or less ) Shadow Hyper Ambush ( type Hyper; triple weapon damage if started turn outside LOS of all enemies ) Vampire Hyper Manadrain ( type Hyper; steals mana from enemy equal to half weapon damage dealt to it round down ) Sage Hyper Arcane Research ( type Hyper; may discard same spell category spells when casting a spell to reduce mana cost by 1 for each ) Channeler Hyper Proxy ( type Hyper; proxy : during channeler's turn it may cast spells through friends using any combination of channeler's and friend's mana without using spell actions ) Slayer Hyper Reap ( type Hyper; reap : slayer gains 6 mana each time it kills an enemy or friend ) Surgist Hyper Generation ( type Hyper; managen +2 ) Quartermaster Hyper Distributed ( type Hyper; distributed : all friends may also treat pickups as a different type and gain 1 mana on collecting a pickup ) ) PLAYERS ( Player 1 ( type Player; Player 1 ) Player 2 ( type Player; Player 2 ) ) SPIRITS ( Death Spirit ( type Spirit; deathSpells 2; fireSpells 1; generalSpells 2; spiritHealthForMana : on player turn one friend must sacrfice 2 health for +4 mana ) Fire Spirit ( type Spirit; fireSpells 2; deathSpells 1; generalSpells 2; spiritAttack : on player turn any one friend may make a spell attack for 3 damage at 4 range over ) Air Spirit ( type Spirit; airSpells 2; waterSpells 1; generalSpells 2; spiritMovementAny 3 : on player turn any one friend immediately gains movement X any ) Water Spirit ( type Spirit; waterSpells 2; airSpells 1; generalSpells 2; spiritMovementWater : on player turn any one friend immediately gains movement 1 any plus unlimited W ) Earth Spirit ( type Spirit; earthSpells 2; lifeSpells 1; generalSpells 2; spiritHealAll 1 : on player turn heal all friends for X health ) Life Spirit ( type Spirit; lifeSpells 2; earthSpells 1; generalSpells 2; spiritHealOne 2 : on player turn heal any one friend for X health ) Mana Spirit ( type Spirit; generalSpells 5; spiritManaGain 2 : on player turn any one friend may gain +X mana ) Chaos Spirit ( type Spirit; spellsByElement 3 : maintain X spells in hand for same category as current Chaos Element; generalSpells 2; spiritChoas : at start of player turn and start of game draw a Chaos Element from deck and it stays in effect until next one drawn ) ) CHAOS ELEMENTS ( Chaos Element Fire ( type Chaos Element; spiritAttack : any one friend may make a spell attack for 3 damage at 4 range over ) Chaos Element Water ( type Chaos Element; spiritMovementWater : on player turn any one friend immediately gains movement 1 any plus unlimited W ) Chaos Element Air ( type Chaos Element; spiritMovementAny 3 : on player turn any one friend immediately gains movement X any ) Chaos Element Earth ( type Chaos Element; spiritHealAll 1 : on player turn heal all friends for X health ) Chaos Element Spirit ( type Chaos Element; spiritHealOne 2 : heal any one friend for X health ) Chaos Element Void ( type Chaos Element; spiritHealthForMana : on player turn one friend must sacrfice 2 health for +4 mana ) )